Monday, June 25, 2018

The Surprising Benefits of Silverware.

One day, my fiancè told me how he had saved a tiny silver spoon for his future baby. I think that I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time, with Felicity. I laughed pretty hard in his face, and made a joke about her "growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth". He told me that silver is actually antibacterial. I didn't believe him without doing my own research, I discovered that he was right! 

Afterwards, I ended up looking more into it and finding that silverware has a surprising amount of health benefits! 
It's actually been used for medical purposes since 702-705 A.D.
At least, that's what's documented.
So, here are a few health reasons, that may make you beg grandma for her silverware set. 

1. Antibacterial.

Silver is indefinitely good against bacteria! In my research I actually found a website that talks about how silver turns bacteria into zombies. 

2. Keeps food fresh.

Surprisingly silver can help to keep your food or drinks fresh longer.

3. Destroys microorganisms.

Help protect your body by destroying dangerous microorganisms.

4. Prevents decay.

Helps to prevent decay, by killing bacteria. 

5. Immune system.

Helps to better your immune system with it's antibacterial properties.

*Plus there is Colloidal Silver, which comes with it's own health benefits.
Learn more about colloidal silver.

Now, I don't expect you all to go and raid antique stores or to buy a silverware set online. (They can get pretty pricey!) 
But if you have some silverware collecting dust, it might be worth pulling it out again.


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