Friday, July 13, 2018

Inducing Labor At Home, Facts & Fiction

When I was pregnant, I found that there is a lot of old and inaccurate information going around. I've done the research and chatted with a medical professional about when and how, you may safely attempt home induction.

Before getting into this article, I want to do a bit of a disclaimer here. 
I'm not a medical professional, I in no way condone inducing labor at home any sooner than 40 weeks into pregnancy. Based on new research, full term is 40 weeks. Early full term begins at 37 weeks and doctors won't let you go past 42 weeks. As the placenta begins to stop functioning after 42 weeks. I only recommend it to avoid medical induction. However these methods aren't 100% either. 
Babies tend to come whenever they're ready. 
Except in  some cases, where they need  to be helped along by your doctors.
Every pregnancy is different, your doctor will know what is best for you.

When I was pregnant, I would frequent the Ovia app. Everyday in the chat, someone would ask about home induction methods. 
It is a very popular topic, but a lot of the advice being passed around, just isn't true.
Here are a few of the most popular true, and false ways to kick start your labor.

Castor Oil
One of the most recommended ways to induce is with Castor Oil.
It has worked in some cases..
 However, I do not recommend it, as the side effects are miserable. Some studies have found it to also be possibly dangerous to your baby.
What is Castor Oil? 
Simply put, it's a very strong laxative.
Trust me, I know what it's like to want the baby out. My girl stayed in for 41 weeks and 2 days, I had to be medically induced. I tried everything except Castor Oil. 
I found a fantastic site with heaps of information about it. 
Please educate yourself about the risks associated with it.

Sex or Masturbation
This is actually what my doctor recommended for me.
I've heard of it working for a lot of different women.
 But at 40+ weeks, for myself, sex was the last thing on my mind. 
If you can manage it, bravo for you. 
Here's a site on some easier positions while pregnant. ;) 
How does sex help you go into labor? Having sex releases the chemical oxytocin, which can help bring on contractions.
Semen, because of it's prostaglandins, can help to soften your cervix. Which may make your labor easier.
So, go get it! That is, if you have the energy. 

Walking everyday is important for several reasons. The first being that you should stay active to prepare for labor. You can't run a marathon, unless you're prepared. It's similar for labor, having that extra stamina will help you out. Walking releases Oxytocin and can also help to bring your baby downwards, in an ideal position for delivery. 
It might not start labor, but it's still good for you and baby.

Nipple Stimulation
It's seems odd, but nipple stimulation can also help kick start your labor. 
It's another method of releasing oxytocin.
You can do it yourself, or have your partner help. Generally 15 minutes or more on each side is the ideal amount of stimulation.
 Some women will also pump, here are a few ways to save your colostrum. 

Exercise Ball
This is actually a false fact, as it will not bring on labor. However, buying one will benefit you in many ways. 
Bouncing on an exercise ball may help to bring your baby down and in a correct position for delivery. 
I found my ball also to be my favorite chair while pregnant. 
It's also fantastic to help you with postpartum workouts. 

Spicy Foods
This is actually a myth, no studies have proven it to work. A few people claim it worked for them, it was however most likely a coincidence. 
But if you enjoy spicy food, go for it girl!

Again, a myth as no studies have linked it with starting labor. It might possibly soften your cervix, but that hasn't been proven to work. So enjoy your pineapple! Just don't over do it, as you'll give yourself a stomach ache.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
I've heard so much misinformation about this one. It will not cause labor, however it is beneficial to drink during pregnancy. You can start drinking it at the start of your second trimester, and continue drinking 1-3 cups a day for the rest of your pregnancy. It can help soften your cervix and may make your labor easier or shorter.
It doesn't taste like raspberries, it smells like licorice, tastes like black tea. Here's a site with more information.

Evening Primrose Oil
This is yet another false fact, as it won't start your labor.
However, if you take 500 - 2,000 mg daily, after your 38th week, it may help to soften your cervix and shorten your labor. Some women take it orally in pill form. Others insert the gel capsules in their vaginas. If you choose to do that, wear a pad and do it before bed, or when you will be sitting for a while.
It's a very messy process.. Trust me.
                                                              Link for more information

It can be frustrating when baby gets too comfy and doesn't want to leave their warm, snug homes. 
But do your best to stay optimistic! 
You've come so far, there isn't very much further to go. 
Don't forget how amazing you are in this whole process.
You'll have your entire life with your baby, try to revel in this freedom while you still can. 
You already done great things, just imagine how much incredible stuff you'll do.


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