Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Beat The Heat, With These Items..

Summer is here and in full force! How can you help keep your little one cool?

I've been trying different tricks, and products to find what works best for my daughter. Some of these products have been absolutely essential for us on hot days.

Here are my favourite products that I bought on Amazon.ca.

I bought this awesome little fan for $17.89. It is rechargeable via USB. So you can bring your favorite charge pack out with you for long days out. The fans battery lasts for two hours. It has several different speeds and clips onto many different places. I use it around the house from time to time. Being clumsy, I have dropped it twice on my laminate flooring, and the fan is good as new.
Umiwe Fan.
I bought this fantastic bag for $26.59.
It's actually made of several gel packs. It folds to the size of a purse wallet. Then you just stick it in your freezer. When you unfold it to the full size, it fits quite a lot! I put two bottles in there, with an ice pack, a bottle of water and a few teething rings. It also can be clipped onto your stroller! I'm a sucker for space savers! Not entirely sure how long it stays cool for. But I'll estimate 3-4 hours with ice packs inside. 
Pack It Folded.
Pack It Fullsize.

I bought these for $3.99 as an add on item.
They are water filled, soft and squishy small rings for your little one to chew on. You stick them in the fridge, so that they are cool and soothing for a teething baby. The best part is that they are BPA free.

I bought this for $7.99 as an add on item.
This little fan is handy for babies, yourself or anyone!  It's a handheld little fan, with foam blades. You fill it with water, then you are able to mist with it. This fan is small and clips onto several places. I usually have on my pants, the stroller or my diaper bag. I've used it quite a bit for these last two months, and haven't had to change the battery yet.

Those are my summer survival products.

I also have one favorite method that always keeps my little one cool. 
You freeze a water bottle, put it in a long sock, and will leave it in the stroller with your little one. 
I like to keep an eye on it though, to make sure that my girl doesn't get too chilly. Typically This one is saved for a very hot day. I store it in my cooler bag, until it's needed.

I hope some of these products will help you out! 
Comment to share some of your favorite tips or tricks to beat the heat!


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